The three sculptures are designed to experientially shift the viewer’s engagement from one of abstraction to that of representational semiotics and back again. The forms reflect my experience and its transformation, as I better acquainted myself with these beaches and their staircase access. I came to see the constant flux between the two, as the liminal space in which they act as a border-crossing between the ocean and solid land. 

There is a vast dichotomy of impeccably manicured front lawns, adorned with luxury cars and intentional bookending by the edge of the abyss, in its full decomposing glory of enormous, rotted beams, rusting metal and channels of access the ocean is constantly trying to reclaim.

Photography began as the primary interpretation, but I felt compelled to represent my experience three-dimensionally with clay, glass, and metal. The materials are symbolic of earth and sand, that too have been transformed from their raw states by human derived processes. 

The staircases exist at a meeting point of the battle between nature and humanity’s hubris to dominate it. They live at an intersection of the “safe space” we call life-at-home and one which beckons us towards oblivion of unstoppable evolution that supersedes concepts of time and place.